Page 1 - Right Before Dawn

Right Before Dawn

Neren jolts awake, body covered in sweat and his expression strained. He registers the morning breeze bringing the smell of moisture and cool air of the mountains. Then finds himself staring at Faldur. The horse seemed to have sensed its master's distress and nudged the lad a couple of times before managing to stir him.

Seeing that Neren was awake the horse breathes a warm poof of air before returning to its grazing nearby, calmly chewing on the fresh grass growing near the camp. For all this time in his travels Faldur had been his loyal companion and friend. Last night as well heʼd been his master's eyes and ears while the other slept.

Neren rubs his face and wipes off the lingering sweat. He tries to remember the dream but it's now only vague flashes he barely recalls. Absently he calls his horse, “Faldur...” and pulls himself up to make his way over. His fingers tangle in the soft hairs, fondly brushing the mane and greeting, “Morning, I see you're up earlier than I am and—thank you for waking me.” After a brief pause he added his thanks to the end, receiving a soft hum in return.

“You could tell I was having an ill dream...” Neren speaks to Faldur, attending to the horse and slowly grooming it. “I don't know why...but lately they have been...worse.”

Concerned frown makes it to Neren's face as he speaks but it fades soon after as Faldur nudges him once more as if reminding him not to brood on such matters. “You're right my friend, I shouldn't dwell on it too much.”

Afterwards Faldur neighs contently, continuing to graze while Neren begins to pack up their camp for the journey ahead. After taking his time to cover their tracks and setting up their gears, Neren finally climbs on Faldur's back, ready to leave.

Without further delays they head for the rocky paths which go through difficult terrain but are the fastest way leading up. Having taken a detour from the southern pass, they avoided encountering any fanatic cultists lingering in the abandoned fortress located by the mountain range. These people were known to be dominating the narrow roads leading to the North at these parts of the region so avoiding them was in their best interests even if it meant an extra mile.

However to good sides of traveling alone is that you're not as easily noticed. As such Neren had managed to walk his way around most dangers incognito till he finally arrived to the top of the mountains separating the South and North parts of the two different regions.

At first light of dawn he stood atop the mountain range, staring down to the valley below and beyond it.

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Author's Notes:

First page and text are done and currently working on the next. The novel text length is going to varie according to the scenes so at times there's shorter and longer instances to read. Either way this is my first attempt at making a story in this manner so comments and thoughts are very much appreciated as I carry on and seek to improve. I'm personally excited to see what will become of this project. Despite the slow start, I'm sure it will take form as I get deeper into this. Without further delays enjoy reading and see you soon!

Much love, Hen Lia
